Sunday, January 30, 2005

Srbija u EU - CIA analiza

CIA: Mapa širenja EU

U analizi koja se bavi predviđanjima, perspektivom i izgledom sveta
kroz petnaest godina, američka obaveštajna služba procenjuje da će se
sve zemlje u okruženju, među kojima su i Hrvatska i Turska, naći u
članstvu u EU, dok će Srbija i Crna Gora, zajedno sa njenim južnim i
zapadnim susedima postati "slepo crevo" sveta.

Politički analitičar Tomislav Kresović, za "Glas javnosti" objašnjava
da CIA Srbiju i Crnu Goru, Albaniju i Bosnu i Hercegovinu vidi kao
zemlje koje su van procesa svetske globalizacije i predviđa im nimalo
blistavu budućnost, uključujući i nastavak sukoba na Balkanu: "Pored
toga, američki obaveštajci procenjuju da će doći i do promene granica,
pre svega formiranjem nezavisnog Kosova, ali ga vide i kao 'neuspelu
državu', jer ocenjuju da nezavisnost ne podrazumeva i stabilnost.
Ukoliko se pokrajina i otcepi, sasvim su mogući sukobi između albanske
mafije i raznih ekstremističkih grupa, kao što je bilo u Albaniji
1997. godine."

Kao slepo crevo Evrope ocenjeni i Albanija i Bosna i Hercegovina
"Glas javnosti", 29. januar, 2005. | M. Mijailović

Srbija i Crna Gora, Albanija i Bosna i Hercegovina neće biti članovi
Evropske unije ni do 2020. godine, navodi se u najnovijoj analize
američke CIA u kojoj se iznose predviđanja te agencije o perspektivi i
izgledu sveta kroz petnaest godina. Kako se vidi i na mapi koja je
predočena, sve zemlja u okruženju, pa i Hrvatska i Turska, postaće
članovi evropske porodice, dok ćemo mi, sa našim južnim i zapadnim
susedom, postati slepo crevo i sveta i našeg kontinenta.

Treba imati u vidu da je ova analiza ipak samo moguće viđenje buduće
mape sveta, ali takođe ne treba s uma smetnuti činjenicu da je ovu
analizu napravila najmoćnija obaveštajna služba sveta i da su u svojim
pretpostavkama verovatno imali ozbiljnih osnova. Da li će se na taj
način izjaloviti naša dosadašnja očekivanja da ćemo u članstvo EU ući
2012. godine videće se, ali izveštaj CIA sigurno ne uliva veru u takav

"Neuspela država"

- Reč je o tome da američka obaveštajna agencija jednostavno vidi ove
tri zemlje van procesa svetske globalizacije i predviđa im nimalo
blistavu budućnost, uključujući i nastavak sukoba na Balkanu - kaže
Tomislav Kresović, politički analitičar. Po njemu, novi ograničeni
ratovi i terorističke akcije u organizaciji Al kaide, CIA vidi kao
sasvim realne.

- Pored toga, američki obaveštajci procenjuju da će doći i do promene
granica, pre svega formiranjem nezavisnog Kosova, ali ga vide i kao
"neuspelu državu", jer ocenjuju da nezavisnost ne podrazumeva i
stabilnost. Ukoliko se pokrajina i otcepi, sasvim su mogući sukobi
između albanske mafije i raznih ekstremističkih grupa, kao što je bilo
u Albaniji 1997. godine - ističe Kresović.

Prema njegovom mišljenju, pre dobijanja nezavisnosti sasvim je moguć
novi ograničeni rat sa Srbijom, a koji bi sponzorisala Albanija.
Upravo zbog toga, Tirana bi bila izopštena iz EU i morala bi da se
odrekne takve politike i ubedi sunarodnike na Kosovu da ne traže
promenu granica. S druge strane, CIA Srbiju i Crnu Goru vidi kao
nestabilnu državu, i politički i teritorijalno, a pre svega zbog
mogućih kriza na jugu Srbije i na Kosovu.

- Ipak, zanimljivo je da i 2020. godine agencija vidi ovu državu kao
"Srbiju i Crnu Goru", što podrazumeva da se Crna Gora ipak neće
odvojiti. Što se tiče BiH, ta zemlja je viđena kao potencijalni
inicijator islamskog ekstremizma, koji bi lako mogao da bude prenet i
u Srbiju.

Cia najavljuje akcije

- Takođe, CIA Bosnu ocenjuje i kao zemlju visokog rizika zbog velike
opasnosti od cepanja dejtonske BiH, što bi izazvalo nove etničke
sukobe, navodi naš sagovornik. On dodaje i da ovaj izveštaj pokazuje i
da sama CIA planira izazivanje sukoba kako bi sprečila konačno
stvaranje moćne i homogene Evrope, kao najozbiljnijeg konkurenta

- CIA jednostavno hoće da bude instrument moći u ovom delu sveta i na
ovaj način i projektuje krize slične onima u Čečeniji i zemljama u
okruženju Ruske federacije, čime bi destabilizovala Evropu i osigurala
interese SAD u ovom delu sveta - zaključio je Kresović.

CIA analiza

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Flavour and Personality

Question 1


You chose cheese curls

If you regularly stain your fingers with cheese curls, then you are a conscientious, principled person, who is always proper and expects others to be, too. You tend to occupy the moral high ground with your colleagues and family. With your finely tuned sense of right and wrong, you treat everyone in the same just and fair manner. Most people would say you have great integrity. You may appear rigid to others, but in reality you're just conscientious and know enough to plan ahead. In your house, the spare batteries and the Band-Aids are right where they belong - just like everything on your desk.

Note: If you're dealing with a cheese curl lover, be sure to put everything back where it belongs - they love order. If you're in someone's home, and you think you could eat off the floor, then you're probably visiting with a cheese curl lover.

Question 2


You chose strawberries and cream

If you consider yourself an introvert, and perhaps at times find life a bit overwhelming, you may prefer strawberries and cream. These individuals are emotionally robust despite their shy demeanour, and they have high standards for themselves, which is why they can seem cranky and irritable. Unfortunately, they are pessimistic personalities who frequently feel guilty. Still, if you need a curmudgeon around - a newspaper columnist or a bureaucrat - then call on the strawberries and cream lover.

Question 3


You show an internal locus of control. You believe you are responsible for your own choices and that you control your own destiny. For this reason, you tend to choose the foods with the healthier image based on current medical thinking. As an adult, you have moved beyond the \"kids\" cereal, for example, and you would be more likely to buy the leanest cut of beef for your burger - and hold the high-fat cheese please. If you are a woman, you are probably ambitious and independent, perhaps aggressive, and you believe you have control over your life and your goals, and you watch your diet by consuming less salt, fat and sugar than your more traditional sisters tend to enjoy.

If seven or more of your choices were the second item, you may have heard about healthier food choices, but you act on impulse at the grocery store - you'll eventually clean up your diet, but not today. You haven't outgrown the taste for kids' cereal and you love cheese too much to pass it up on your burger. If you're going to order a burger, it might as well be the way you like it. If you're a woman, you may have followed a more traditional path to fulfilment and may not consider yourself ambitious. Regardless of sex, you may have doubts about your power to control your own destiny, which is why you turn to the horoscope in the newspaper. You may say you don't believe it, but still...

Perhaps you show a mixed result, 50-50 or 60-40. Many people do, and this simply means that you are not all one type or another. In fact, many of us believe we have control over some areas of our lives, but not every area.

Personality Test

Your answers suggest you are a Leader

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
Planner, Ideas, Heads and Extrovert

Summary of Leaders

* Natural managers who strive for efficiency
* See the big picture and make strategic plans for the future
* Think of themselves as bright, independent and logical
* May overlook other people's need for emotional support

More about Leaders

Leaders are strategic thinkers, planning ahead and anticipating difficulties. They quickly spot inefficiency and organise people to make improvements. Leaders like solving problems at the organisational level, but would rather leave the detailed work to others.

Leaders are most likely to say they enjoy their job, according to a UK survey.

Leaders enjoy discussing complex issues and will challenge people’s views to spark a debate. They admire people who defend their beliefs by arguing persuasively.

In situations where they can’t use their talents or are unappreciated, Leaders may become detached, critical or aggressive. Under extreme stress, Leaders may feel isolated and doubt their abilities.

Leaders are often so ambitious in their careers that they sacrifice their personal life in the process.

Leader Careers

Leaders are often drawn to jobs in management where logical analysis and strategic planning are required.

Your answers suggest you are a Leader Posted by Hello

Test - slanje slika sa racunara

Slanje slika sa kompa na blog, uz pomoc programa Hello.

Rise of Nations Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Bosnian Serbs hand over suspect

Bosnian Serbs hand over suspect The Bosnian Serb authorities deliver a war crimes suspect to The Hague tribunal for the first time.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

male izmene na blogu

prepravka dizajna blog-a.
ubacivanje nekih ličnih podataka.

promena potpisa na google mail nalogu.
ubacivanje slike sa mog sajta.